Tremblay Baby Blog

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Child Birth Classes session #2

Tonight Eric and I went to our second child birth class with Donna our instructor and two other couples. Tonight we focused on comfort measures during labour such as breathing and positions to rest in and/or massage (ahhhh). There are many excellent ways to help cope with the pain; my favorites were having a shower, hand massage and hip pressure or pushing on the pelvis to help ease the constant expanding. She also gave us information breathing, long and relaxed or short styles. We had lots of laughs and really enjoyed the session, we feel grateful to have learned so much already, well worth it for such a reasonable price. The other couples are Erin and Frasier and Jeff and Krystine, both very nice. Looking forward to next week!! We have also asked Donna informally to be our Doula or labour coach, and she is waiting on another couple but will most likely be doula for both of us (keep your fingers crossed), more to come on that topic.....

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Dr. Apt at last :)

Today Eric and I attended a regular Dr. apt. But, the not so regular part was this was the first time Daddy came and he was able to hear the fetal heart beat (140bpm). He thought it was "pretty cool". I was very happy and relieved to hear the uterus grew to 28 inches, which is 1cm more than "on target" with me being 27 weeks pregnant.
Dr. Sheppard warned me to watch "the eating", as it increases the size of the baby, and we don't want to deliver a 10lb'er! I also took the glucose testing for gestational diabetes. I got to drink the orange pop-like drink, it wasn't too bad! Then they took my blood exactly 1 hour after. So all is well in baby land! Next ultra-sound for the exercise research study is May 18/07.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Started Childbirth Classes

On Wednesday of this past week Eric and I (and baby) attended our first childbirth class with "Beautiful Beginning Childbirth Education". The instructors name is Donna Bell and it turns out I knew her through work which was a nice suprise! She is a nurse who has 15 years in Obstectrics and has been a Doula on a number of occaisions. She is super nice and approachable. In the first session we talked about our thoughts on labour and delivery, signs and symptoms that labour may be beginning and the stages of labour. We have 5 more classes then a reunion class after the baby is born. I am really glad we are taking this because I think you can never learn enough, the more the better to help us prepare for this amazing journey!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

27 weeks pregnant

Erin is 27 weeks pregnant today! YEAH!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

26 weeks this Saturday

I am almost into the third trimester, 1 more week. Everything is going well, still lots of movement, mainly while I am at work (I wonder if the baby likes Social Work?)It hears many a story, some which should be reserved for virgin ears, good thing the baby does not know what it means, ha ha! Daddy is doing well, working hard to get the nursery ready. It is cleared out, even the border has been removed (by Eric :)Now the final step is for Aunt Julie to help paint! More to come.....

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Shakin' Down

Its dancing time inside my belly, the baby has been moving alot lately, sometimes at the top part of the uterus. I read somewhere that a active fetus means a healthy baby so that makes it more bearable! It is a very strange sensation, sometimes it makes me nauseaus. A further development are my ankles are begining to swell, ah the beauty of pregnancy but it is a good excuse to put the feet up and relax. The next Dr. Apt is mid April.