Updates this week
HI all, it's Mom (aka Erin). This week we have some exciting developments such as an ultra sound on Friday. I am dreading holding in fluids, probably the worst part of being pregnant (in my opinion)! Also I will be 20 weeks this Sat. which means I am 5 months in and a bit over half way done there. My uterus is the size of a cantelope,interesting in a way, also it gets 1000 times bigger from the begining to the end of preganancy. Eric swears he can feel movements when we get settled into sleep, I can definately feel things but i don't really know what they are yet. In the next few weeks I should be able to feel flutterings, then it progresses into small kicks and then eventually large ones! So stay tuned... Oh also a friend of mine, Robin is pregnant too, about a few weeks behind me. She is joining the exercise group and I am excited to share pregnancy phases with her. Eric and I are going to dinner with she and her partner Roger this weekend so it should be fun!