Tremblay Baby Blog

Friday, July 24, 2009

Mobile Technology: Bigger than the Internet and the PC combined

Mobile technology is going to change your life and the change has not really begun yet. That's the take home message from Elliot Soloway (Professor, Univ. of Michigan) and Cathie Norris (Professor, North Texas Univ.). In their fantastic video, called the Mobile Generation, that documents a road trip through Texas and Louisiana to see firsthand how mobile technologies are being used in school, Elliot and Kathy argue that mobile technologies in use today are initiating a fundamental shift in education. It's the beginning of a deep kind of change in our life where mobility adds the ability for people to walk around and have all the knowledge with them regardless of where they are: office, classroom, car, park, mall, sidewalk, etc. This amazing new resource is available 24/7 in the palm of your hand. Once in place in the culture of our society, so many constraints will be removed from our lives. The immediacy of information provided by mobile devices may accelerate learning because the notion that formal learning can only be done in schools will erode fully. Learning will happen everywhere and in every context with this new resource that was not there before.
"It's an evolution - not a revolution." - Elliot Soloway, 2009
Watch the video and let us know what you think by leaving a comment below.

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Sunday, July 19, 2009

Almost 2 years old, time flys!!

Here is a picture of Maxime posing in the long grass and his new bed. His 2nd birthday is in one week and he has 5 friends coming to his birthday party, can't wait! Maxime is now stringing together 2-3 word sentences such as "ferme porte" and "Je t'aime Mama/Papa". He now knows when there is more than one of something and he will say "deux avion", but he does not really understand numbers yet. He likely knows 40 plus words. His favorite things are still "avions" but has recently added motorcycles and our dog Winston to his daily discussions:) The biggest development is he is now sleeping in a bed! Bravo Maxime:)