15 months now

Maxime is now almost 15 months old. He is moving like the speed of light now that he is walking/face planting:) He had 2 black eyes during his first week and a half he started to walk on his own. He is doing great, he weighs over 26 lbs now (the Homo milk helped:) he has 7 teeth and his vocabulary, although sometimes difficult to decipher is excellent. He can say: car, kitty cat, dog, truck, duck, moo (for a cow) he shakes his head for no and he knows a bit of sign language "more" and "eat". He likes to color and paint and makes us all kinds of crafts while at daycare. I recently set up a table for him to draw and paint on and he loves this. Maxime's all time favorite activity is being outside, he could stay out all day! That is all for now, will try to update more:)